Why Didit?

Many companies — both large and small — face challenges with finding top talent, from candidate qualifications, to team dynamics, to economics that fit their financial scale. Our unique solution for hiring elite independent contractors addresses all of these concerns.

Typical Empoyment Virtual Platforms*
Time to find a Toptailer 0-3 weeks 1-4 Months 1-4 Months
Recruiting Fee $0 $10-40 $0
Quality Guarantee
Failure Rate Very Low Low Very High
Pre-Screened Candidates
Termination Costs None Very High None
*Upwork, Guru.com etc.
The Qualifications of Our Talent
Role-Specific Quality

Didits’ have a tried and tested track record of brilliance. We match your company with talent that have extensive experience relevant to the role you’re trying to fill.

Overall Quality

Beyond their brilliant technical capabilities, Toptalers are also screened on their soft skills including attitude, ethical values, energy, education, and English proficiency. We want to ensure they’re amazing teammates, not just amazing workers.

Role-Specific Quality

Every time you work with a new Toptal freelancer, you will have a trial period to decide whether they meet your needs. If you don’t find them to be extraordinary, you will not be charged (and you can even keep any work completed during the trial).

Your Team Dynamics
Quick Team Ramp-Up

Toptalers are well-versed in a variety of project management and collaboration tools. They have the ability to smoothly and quickly adapt to those used by your company—even if they’re obscure.

Painless Communication

Our talent have proven experience in their functional areas and can convey complex concepts clearly to all stakeholders.

Reliability & Flexibility

Although we hope you work with our talent long-term, you can scale your Toptal team up or down within a matter of weeks, not months or years. We have worked with companies to build their initial teams, fill positions for specific projects, and expand team capabilities during “crunch-times”.

Your Bottom-line Financials
Simple, Cost-Effective Pricing

We give you great value for access to our talent. We have saved client companies upward of $1 million per year. Our pricing is straight-forward — work with Toptalers hourly, part-, or full- time for a fixed price on a weekly basis. No hidden fees.

Additional Savings

Beyond our competitive weekly pricing, with Toptal you don’t have to worry about benefits, stock options, vacation time, unemployment, termination hassle, paperwork, recruiting time and expenses, etc. We take care of those details.

Team Value

Company value — especially for start-ups — is largely impacted by your ability to build an amazing team and product. Unfortunately, putting together a great team to build a great product takes substantial amounts of time and money.