Creates an object schema.
- a raw object or an array of strings. See RawSchema type.
Schema from a raw object
Schema creates by an object, where properies can be: Constructor, Constructor[], Schema, PropertySchema or nested object.
Structure example:
// Creates a default property schema
<property-name>: null
// Creates a default property schema
<property-name>: undefined
// Creates a property schema where type is String
<property-name>: String
// Creates a property schema where type is String and Boolean
<property-name>: [String, Boolean]
// Uses a created nested schema
<property-name>: parser.schema()
// Uses a created property schema
<property-name>: parser.property()
// Creates a nested schema
<property-name>: {
<property-name>: String
<property-name>: [String, Boolean]
Code example:
a: null,
b: undefined,
c: String,
d: [String, Boolean],
i: parser.schema({}),
f: parser.property({}),
g: {
a: String,
b: [String, Boolean],
If you are using already created schemes, they will not be re-created. Since schemas are immutable, they can be combined to minimize memory usage.
Schema from an array
Schema creates by an array of strings.
Structure example:
Code example:
parser.schema(['a', 'a.b', 'c.d'])
// => {
// a: {
// b: parser.property(null) // A default schema property
// },
// c: {
// d: parser.property(null) // A default schema property
// }
// }
Error handling
If the attribute is invalid, the properties of the object will be of the wrong type, or the object will have a circular structure - throws.
// => throwns an error
parser.schema({ a: 'string' })
// => throwns an error
const obj = { a: { b: {} } }
obj.a.b.c = obj
// => throwns an error (a circular structure)